Sunday, April 22, 2012

DA assignment 1

DA assignment 1
Susanti Wita Arizona

1. Explain in your own words what discourse study is. To answer the question: first examine the three texts (under the activity 1a 1b and 1c) in the book “Discourse Analysis” by David Nunan (page 1-2).

Discourse study is the interpretation about spoken, written texts, and signed languages. In discourse also involving about verbal and non verbal materials. Discourse study is closed with the text form and it is more than the meaning from the written or spoken texts but involving communicative event.  Discourse study is related with the humanities and social sciences.  So, discourse study is analyze all about the spoken or written from the people involving text form, grammar, coherent in each sentence, the meaning from individual and how the situational when a texts is analyzed.

2. Choose one short article in English from a newspaper and find the cohesion and deixis used within the article. Make the interpretation of the meaning of each kind of cohesion and deixis throughout the context of the text.

Do solar storms impact your health?
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 by : J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) You may not know it, but all of the solar activity that is occurring now and likely to occur throughout 2012 could eventually have an impact on your overall health.
According to scientists, earlier this month hurled radiation towards earth at speeds of 6 million miles per hour, causing storms in the atmosphere that have huge implications for the planet - and for all of us, as well.
Such geomagnetic storms, for instance, can wreak havoc on cell phone service by shaking up the planet's magnetosphere. The event can cause disruptions in the operation of magnetic compasses, radar, GPS signals and, of course, cell phones.
Also, such storms affect air travel by hitting aircraft with unsafe levels of radiation and by interfering with navigation and communications systems as well. After a major CME in January, Canadian and American airlines rerouted planes over the Arctic Circle, which caused massive delays.

Technology most at risk
Geomagnetic events can also have a detrimental effect on power grids. When magnetic fields find something that can conduct them - such as electric power generators and transformers - they can be very destructive, leading to large-scale blackouts. In fact, in 1989, one of the largest blackouts due to geomagnetic storms occurred, knocking out power to the entire province of Quebec, Canada.
Finally, the really bad news is, these storms are only going to get larger. Scientists say the frequency of such events rises and falls in 11-year cycles, and currently the solar system is engaged in the most intense period of the current cycle. The more intense storms for this cycle are due to occur in 2013 and 2014. Currently, the sun is in the midst of Solar Cycle 24.

'Be very afraid'
While scientists note that solar flares and events can't destroy the earth, they are enough of a threat that some governments are adding them to a list of dangers that include terrorist attacks, flu outbreaks and volcanic eruptions.
Recently Great Britain , according to the government's National Risk Register for Civil Emergencies.
"We are becoming more and more reliant on technology, and that technology is becoming more and more delicate," Conservative MP James Arbuthnot, chairman of Parliament's defense committee, told a London newspaper. "Be afraid, be very afraid."
"Potentially the biggest risk of all is to the electricity supply. Now in the U.S. that is deemed to be a catastrophic risk. They could lose a very large proportion of their power grid," said Mark Gibbs, one of the Met Office's representatives on the committee. "In the UK, for many different reasons - better engineering design, different way it operates, geology - the risk is less severe, but it is a risk nonetheless. Society can't function without power."
Britain added volcanic eruptions to its risk register this year as well. Because the sun is so far away, we have a little bit of advanced warning when it comes to protecting our technology infrastructure.


Paragraph 1 :
-          You :  Personal Deixis, the reader of J. D. Heyes’ article
-          It  :  Person Deixis (singular), it means solar storm
Paragraph 2 :
-          This month : Temporal Deixis of Time, that means the time when the news published, it is in the same month.
-          And :  Cohesion of elliptical conjunction
Paragraph 4 :
-          In January  : Temporal Deixis of Time, that means two month before the news published, it maybe on 20 January 2012.
Paragraph 5 :
-          They : Personal Deixis, that means Geomagnetic events
-          In 1989 : Temporal deixis of time, it means 23 year before the news published on January until December when the largest blackouts due to geomagnetic storms occurred.
-          Quebec, Canada : Spacial Deixis
Paragraph 9 :
-          We  :  Personal Deixis, it’s conservative MP James Arbuthnot, chairman of Parliament's defense committee and the government's National Risk Register for Civil Emergencies
-          U.K : Spacial Deixis
-          But  : Cohesian of elliptical conjunction.
Paragraph 10 :
-          It  : person deixis, it means volcanic eruptions.

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